Monday, March 28, 2011

His Plans For You

Confronting the lie that I am expired for Christ, I am way past my due date to be used

<Believing>Jeremiah 29:11a, “For I know the plans I have for you” (The biggest lie out there is not the health care plan that Obama is promising, the biggest lie out there is not something we can physically hold in our hands, it is weightless yet it holds the majority of the world under its power, it is invisible to the naked eye yet we see the effects of it all around us, it has no substance yet it can render a man helpless, depressed for years upon years.  The biggest lie out there is, that God has no use for you, that He is done with you) Isaiah 49:14-16  <use Exodus 7:7 Moses (80) Aaron (83).  God didn’t say in Jeremiah 29:11 that I know the plans I have for the young people, no He spoke in timely words that were timeless, He speaks to Jeremiahs heart directly and He does so with us as well>

<Plans I have for you>Jeremiah 29:11b, “To give you a future and a hope (It is so interesting and so comforting to know that in God are the plans of my life, in God are the plans He has for your life.  In God We marvel at His creation at the birds, at the trees, at the skies, and if creation alone makes us stand in awe, how much more wonderful will be the plan that God has for your life.  It is never to late for me for you to seek after the Lord, no matter if I am a drug addict, if I deal with drinking, with lusting, with stealing, with adultery, it’s comforting to know that He still has plans for me.  That doesn’t mean I keep on living in the way I am now, no it means seeking out what God has for you)  There is nothing dull in this Christian life, if there is any dullness in Christianity it’s the person, it’s me.  Here is something that is worth your time, time that will not be wasted, time spent seeking Jesus and the future that He has for you.  The difference between God and Satan can be found in one letter in the word LIFE, the letter “F”.  You see God desires to give you LIFE, while Satan wants you to live life, but what kind of life is lived outside of Christ when you take away the letter “F”, a LIE.  These lies scream disaster! Disaster!  While the promises scream life! Life!  But you see in Christ, there is no lie but life, a prospering exciting life of hope.  Maybe you’ve lost hope in Christ, be reminded that God still has you in the palms of His hands until your last breath here on earth. 

<Trusting in His perfect will> So where do I go from here you may ask?  You say that God has plans for me and a hope for me, what now, what do I do.  You trust in the Lord and you put him in the place that He deserves, which is King of your heart.  Jeremiah 17:7 says, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord.”  The world we live in claims to have solutions for everything, from pain, to hurt, to emotions and feelings.  But if the world did have these solutions available to us for those things, then why are we still in a rut, why are we still searching for solutions?  You see the only solution to fix any problem, any pain, depression, addiction, is Jesus Christ.  We trust in the Lord, because we know that His words will never fail. 
<that you might be saved> You see when Jesus becomes the solution of your life, the veil that Satan has placed over your heart is lifted, and you no longer live a life that is a lie but you live a life that is fulfilling in Christ a life that is full of joy and hope, and peace.  God Still has a plan for your life, I’ll say it again, God still has a plan for your life!  Jesus said in Mark 10:27, “With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God,” and again in Luke 1:37, “For Nothing will be impossible with God.”  We count to many things impossible for the Lord, if that is so then what we lack is not strength or power nor is it ability, but we lack faith.  He’s always been thinking of you, He has always had plans for you.  Go and seek Him out!

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