Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A qui cela peut concerner - 2

DiligenceDoes she study her Masters mind daily?  Seeking to please Him in all aspects to know Him on a deeper level.  A woman’s diligence shows her devotion to the callings of God.

O Lord I lift up the one 'To Whom This May Concern', and I pray that you Lord would give her a diligence that does not come from sweaty hands, but from faithful hands.  Give her the endurance to push forward in all the endeavors she will face.  I don't think there was ever a day where I haven't thought about her, her faceless portrait hangs on the wall of my heart.  O King of glory, your commandments were made to beheld dear to the heart, to cling to the heart, to grow in the heart, so grow...grow deep...grow wide in her Lord...that she may know the height, the depth, the width of your love for her and for the world.  May zeal for Your house consume her Lord.  May her diligence be, the desperate legs of a runner, seeking the finish line, may she run and not get tired and may she walk and not become weary.  May she be tested Lord, so that she may be found diligent in many things (2 Corinthians 8:22).  Suffer her in that she which may be declared priceless.

I know not her face her whereabouts, but I do know she exist, and she exist for You and You alone.  Give her a ferocious hunger for Your word and an insatiable desire to please You God. Strike in her a flame of obedience!

Proverbs 31:27, "She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness."

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A qui cela peut concerner - 1

Sacrifice Does she sacrifice her life physically, spiritually to the calling of God?  Where does she serve?  A woman’s heart is best known in the depth of her ministry. 

O Lord I lift up the one 'To Whom This May Concern', and I ask Father to enlarge her heart for You.  May it be so consumed in you Lord that I would have to dig deep into the depths of You to find her.  Give her a heart that is willing to sacrifice all for the sake of gaining ground in you.  Bring about in her a love for selflessness.  Only You God can do that, so Abba I pray for her now, and still, and always, that you would bring her my way when the time is right for love to awaken.  Guard her heart and her thoughts and keep them fixed on serving you.  Root her deep in the countenance of your love, and shower her.  Come alive in her heart Lord and breathe life into her!  Bind the enemy from hindering her growth, keep her under the shadow of Your wings.  O Lord your word says in Psalm 51:17, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise."  O Lord if need be break her heart.  

I know not her face her whereabouts, but I do know she exist, and she exist for You and You alone.  Give her a ferocious hunger for Your word and an insatiable desire to please You God.  Strike in her a flame of obedience!

Proverbs 31:20, "She extends her hand to the poor, and she stretches out her hands to the needy."

Where Praises Rise Christ Has Risen

Psalm 68:35, "O God, You are Awesome from Your sanctuary.  The God of Israel Himself gives strength and power to the people.  Blessed be God!"

Its been a breakthrough kind of a week for me.  God has really been dealing with me in the area of humbling myself before His throne, ridding me of my pride.  I found my place in an area where i wanted to take over and take control of my life.  I felt like i had a wound that was festering with puss and it was painful almost unbearable.  Maybe you've felt like this and you can humor me when i say that, 'it sucks'.  Sometimes Gods timing His will doesn't line up with ours and to be truthful it can irritate and frustrate the best of us.  Yet the way we view our situations our tribulations, our perspective is misplaced.  It is not the festering wound of puss that hurts, its the alcohol that God is using to rid us of that puss that is causing us to be uncomfortable.  

I was listening to a song by Jesus Culture called 'I Exalt Thee', and i found so much comfort in an area that doesn't really address the comfort but more so The Comforter.  The lyrics are simple, yet meaning is only as close to the heart as is the One who praise is being directed to.

For Thou, O Lord, art high above all the earth
Thou art exalted far above all gods
For Thou, O Lord, art high above all the earth
Thou art exalted far above all gods

I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee
I exalt Thee, O Lord
I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee
I exalt Thee, O Lord

I exalt thee?  O Lord you sit sovereignly on the throne, Lord You are the one who sees me, You are the one who keeps me, guides me, protects me, leads me.  "O God, You are awesome from your sanctuary...", if God is not in the place where He deserves, in His sanctuary of praise then the best we will ever get is misery.  But knowing that God is exalted, high above all the earth, He is indeed awesome and by His awesome might He will work.  I think we can misplace God even in the tiniest aspects, areas of our life all because we forget where He sits, and where He reigns.  Far above the earth, far above pain and suffering, He reigns and rains on us comfort and peace.  Switchfoots song 'Twenty Four' says, "..and your raising the dead in me", and thats exactly what Christ does in the heart of a believer, raising that which was dead and making it alive, creating worship so powerful that it shakes the earth.  Where praises rise Christ has risen!  O Believer!  Rejoice!  Your Maker is in His sanctuary where praises rise, a sweet fragrance to God!

Psalm 33:21, "For our heart rejoices in Him, Because we trust in His holy name."  

Thursday, April 7, 2011

20 Days With God / Day 3

Day 3 with God
1 timothy 1:16, “Yet for this reason I found mercy, so that in me as the foremost, Jesus Christ might demonstrate His perfect patience as an example for those who would believe in Him for eternal life.
<April 6, 2011 / 10:23pm>

 1 Timothy 1:16, “Yet for this reason I found mercy… ” It’s interesting how the Lord is speaking and revealing things to me in His light through His words.  I’m really loving my time in the word with God, those are such precious times I cherish.  Here’s some hard facts…I know I am sinner and there is no getting around that, I have no ground to defend myself that I am not a sinner.  And if I did that would make Christ a fraud; that would make everything He did for all mankind a fluke and just a bed time story, a fairy tale at the least.  But He is no fraud, and so that makes His life His words true and sound.  So what does that make me?  A sinner.  Paul says, “Yet for this reason I found mercy”, I couldn’t help but think of the greatest quality that qualifies me for the kingdom of heaven.  Am I qualified because I have believed in Jesus Christ or maybe because of my baptism?  Is it because I have been in church my whole life, or maybe served in ministry?  Or is it because I have led hundreds or maybe thousands of people to Christ?  Answer, none of the above.  Take notice of the bold letterings ‘I have’, now in Psalm 16:2 which says, “I said to the LORD, You are my LORD; I have no good besides You.”  The Hebrew word ‘good’ is towb (tove) which means ‘valuable in estimation, excellent of its kind, or rich’.  I have nothing valuable, I have nothing excellent, I am not rich, why?  Because (Jeremiah 17:9) my heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.  What God values and finds precious is not what we value, the things that we put value on can skew our perspective of who we really are.   God loves the sinner, not what the sinner can do.  When we find the reason for finding mercy we find what qualifies us for heaven.  Reading the previous verse 15 in 1 Timothy 1 it says, “…Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all.”  I’m a sinner…that is what qualifies me for heaven!  Now isn’t that something, now doesn’t that put a whole different perspective on the world if you keep in mind Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”?  All are qualified but not all have received their citizenship in Christ.  “Yet for this reason I found mercy” because I am a sinner. 

O Lord how great is your mercy on my life, that I am justified in You.  Your word says that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ.  Thank you Lord for dying on the cross for a sinner like me.  Thank you for working your perfect patience on me.  Again Lord I pray for my wife, have mercy and pour grace over her head, overflow her cup Father.  Give wisdom to me Lord, bless me with the understanding of your scripture.  Excel, grow, strengthen my brother in Okinawa.

20 Days With God / Day 2

Day 2 with God

Isaiah 55:1-2, “Ho!  Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money come, buy and eat.  Come; buy wine and milk without money and without cost.  Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy?  Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and delight yourself in abundance.
<April 5, 2011 / 3:00pm>

Second day with God in one word, “trying”.  I’ve fasted before and I kind of was prepared for what was going to happen on the second day.  I knew my stomach would be growling and tossing and turning to and fro.  But I know within the next day or two, it will go away.  Just got to hang in until then.  And I’ve been really tired as of late, maybe because my body is not running on a lot of energy, so I’ve been going to bed a lot earlier as well.  Can’t wait though to see what God will do through me and reveal in me.  Come Lord Jesus come!

Just reading this verse kind of makes me think of those guys selling their products at swap meet or product shows calling out into the busy crowd, selling their product, giving all the pros and hiding the cons.  They almost demand you to listen to them by whistling, singing, and yelling at you.  Whether it annoys you or captivates you, your attention is diverted to the one speaking.  And so it is when God speaks, He catches our attention!  His calling out to you is either annoying or it is captivating.  I find it funny how God says, ‘Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters”, why?  Because everyone has a thirst to fill.  Jesus said in John 4:13a, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst.”  I thirst for a filling right now, to be filled with the word of God and have it sustain me for the next 19 days.  But I look at the invitation given, that those who have no money come and buy and eat.  Many times over have I spent the value of money for something that I thought would satisfy me, and at the end I find myself still empty even broke.  His invitation screams compassion, “Hey are you broke?  Hey have you tried everything else but this?  Come and try this out, nothing is needed just bring yourself and see.”  Famous words of the Apostle Philip, “Come and see.”  No strings attached just come.  When we come and see, what do we find?  A feast!!!  And at this feast we find the Lord at the head of the table speaking to us.  I’ve been calling out to you for so long, why do you spend on emptiness?  Why do you search for light in darkness?  I am the one that satisfies you completely, “I am the bread of life.  Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6:35)  Only in God will I ever find satisfaction.  In Him I have an abundant supply of everything I will ever need, because He is my abundance.  I bless the name above all names, Jesus Christ!

Lord be my abundance, strengthen my feeble and weak knees.  Satisfy me with the fatness of Your word and may it cling to my bones.  Fill my stomach and with the goodness that flows from your mouth, may it be as sweet as honey to my lips.  Keep my wife pure Lord, whoever she may be.  Bless my brother today, speak words of life in him.

Friday, April 1, 2011

20 Days With God / Day 1

     Day 1 with God

Isaiah 52:2-3, “Shake yourself from the dust, rise up, O captive of Jerusalem; Loose yourself from the chains around your neck, O captive daughter of Zion.  For thus says the LORD, You were sold for nothing and you will be redeemed without money.”

<April 4, 2011 / 8:55pm>

Well I’m on my first day of fasting, I’m shooting for 20 days, which I know will be really rough and challenging, but I know that the Lord is my strength.  It’s already been 16 hours without food and so far no tummy growls.  Sometimes I wonder if I am doing this out of my flesh, to be more spiritual, to be more ahhh look at me I’m fasting kind of thing.  All I know is that there should be a time when a Christian should take time to fast, to totally and completely lean on the Lord for strength.  Anyways, Its been a rather interesting day so far.   

I find this verse interesting in the way God is speaking to Isaiah here, and I couldn’t help but notice the way God chose to word Himself.  Loose yourself from the chains around your neck”, and I found this so thought provoking.  Does God put me in chains?  Does God put my face to the dust?  If God were to put chains on my neck then He would be the one that would have to take them off because I am unable to on my own strength.  If God were to put my face to the dust, then He would be the one that would have to lift His hand off of my head.  But what I see, is that if that were true that would portray God as a tyrant.  “You didn’t listen to Me!  You idiot!  Now you will pay!”  And I know God is not like that.  So I got to thinking and it was amazing what the Holy Spirit revealed to me.  If a sheep were to wander from the side of His Shepherd and go outside the gates that protect him; What is that sheep susceptible to?  He can be ripped apart by wild animals, fall in holes, get lost, or die of starvation.  And so it is with those who wander from the safety of Gods hand, susceptible to anything but safety.  So does God put me in chains?  Does God put my face to the dust?  No, it is I who does it.  I am the one held responsible, I put myself in chains, chains that have no lock; chains that I can so easily walk away from.  Without a Shepherd I have no guidance, without Jesus I have no guidance, I am too far in to hear his voice, until He comes looking for me. 

God said, You were sold for nothing”, why?  Because you walked into this willingly, you brought this upon yourself and sold yourself into slavery.  But I have never forgotten you.   I have you inscribed on the palms of My hands.  But I see what is going on, and I find you so valuable that just as you were sold for nothing, so shall “you be redeemed without money”.  For you will be redeemed by blood; the blood of My One and only Son.

Thank you Lord for today, I bless You Father for the promises that you have given to me.  Keep watch my family, friends, loved ones, and my wife whoever she is.  Be my stronghold and my tower my guard and my defense.  I love You Rabonni

Monday, March 28, 2011

His Plans For You

Confronting the lie that I am expired for Christ, I am way past my due date to be used

<Believing>Jeremiah 29:11a, “For I know the plans I have for you” (The biggest lie out there is not the health care plan that Obama is promising, the biggest lie out there is not something we can physically hold in our hands, it is weightless yet it holds the majority of the world under its power, it is invisible to the naked eye yet we see the effects of it all around us, it has no substance yet it can render a man helpless, depressed for years upon years.  The biggest lie out there is, that God has no use for you, that He is done with you) Isaiah 49:14-16  <use Exodus 7:7 Moses (80) Aaron (83).  God didn’t say in Jeremiah 29:11 that I know the plans I have for the young people, no He spoke in timely words that were timeless, He speaks to Jeremiahs heart directly and He does so with us as well>

<Plans I have for you>Jeremiah 29:11b, “To give you a future and a hope (It is so interesting and so comforting to know that in God are the plans of my life, in God are the plans He has for your life.  In God We marvel at His creation at the birds, at the trees, at the skies, and if creation alone makes us stand in awe, how much more wonderful will be the plan that God has for your life.  It is never to late for me for you to seek after the Lord, no matter if I am a drug addict, if I deal with drinking, with lusting, with stealing, with adultery, it’s comforting to know that He still has plans for me.  That doesn’t mean I keep on living in the way I am now, no it means seeking out what God has for you)  There is nothing dull in this Christian life, if there is any dullness in Christianity it’s the person, it’s me.  Here is something that is worth your time, time that will not be wasted, time spent seeking Jesus and the future that He has for you.  The difference between God and Satan can be found in one letter in the word LIFE, the letter “F”.  You see God desires to give you LIFE, while Satan wants you to live life, but what kind of life is lived outside of Christ when you take away the letter “F”, a LIE.  These lies scream disaster! Disaster!  While the promises scream life! Life!  But you see in Christ, there is no lie but life, a prospering exciting life of hope.  Maybe you’ve lost hope in Christ, be reminded that God still has you in the palms of His hands until your last breath here on earth. 

<Trusting in His perfect will> So where do I go from here you may ask?  You say that God has plans for me and a hope for me, what now, what do I do.  You trust in the Lord and you put him in the place that He deserves, which is King of your heart.  Jeremiah 17:7 says, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord.”  The world we live in claims to have solutions for everything, from pain, to hurt, to emotions and feelings.  But if the world did have these solutions available to us for those things, then why are we still in a rut, why are we still searching for solutions?  You see the only solution to fix any problem, any pain, depression, addiction, is Jesus Christ.  We trust in the Lord, because we know that His words will never fail. 
<that you might be saved> You see when Jesus becomes the solution of your life, the veil that Satan has placed over your heart is lifted, and you no longer live a life that is a lie but you live a life that is fulfilling in Christ a life that is full of joy and hope, and peace.  God Still has a plan for your life, I’ll say it again, God still has a plan for your life!  Jesus said in Mark 10:27, “With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God,” and again in Luke 1:37, “For Nothing will be impossible with God.”  We count to many things impossible for the Lord, if that is so then what we lack is not strength or power nor is it ability, but we lack faith.  He’s always been thinking of you, He has always had plans for you.  Go and seek Him out!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tuning In

Luke 8:18a, "So take care how you listen; for whoever has, to him more shall be given..."

I was teaching an AWANA class for my church, and I had a mix class from 3rd to 6th grade.  Huge gap if you ask me, but as they came in the room from game time finding their seats for bible time, you must know if you have worked with kids before that it is really hard to get them to settle down after a half hour of adrenaline pumped games.  So in the gentleness and meekness of Christ I spoke loudly and said, "Settle down boys, settle down.  Its time to hear from the Lord, its time to hear what Jesus wants to speak to us tonight."  And as those words left my lips, slowly the boys attention was diverted to me.  Calmly and simply I whispered enough for them to hear, "Lets Pray."  

I couldn't help but notice and think back when Jesus Christ held His audiences in captivation by every word that left His mouth from 1 man (Nicodemus) to the feeding of the 5,000.  Even before Christ set foot here on earth, the word of His mouth struck reverence in His people; Deuteronomy 4:11-12 says, 

"You came near and stood at the foot of the mountain; and the mountain burned with fire to the very heart of the heavens: darkness, cloud and thick gloom.  Then the LORD spoke to you from the midst of the fire; you heard the sound of words, but you saw no form- only a voice".  

His word held a king in anticipation for His answer, King David said in Psalm 5:3

"In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch."  

Peter knew no other way and confessed with his lips the power of His words in John 6:68 saying,

"Lord to whom shall we go?  You have words of eternal life."

Yet story after story, parable after parable, application after application we forget that Christ is The Word of Life!  We have heard partially and not fully, we have taken what we wanted to hear, and tried to run on that.  We left the house to go run the marathon, but left our shoes on the porch.  We only took the icing on the cake because that is what seemed best at the moment according to self.  O to be careful how we listen, to know that it is not the words that are popping off the pages when we read, but it is Christ Himself.  And when we see that Christ is the One popping off the pages, His words will be inscribed on the tablet of our hearts written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God.

When Jesus speaks He doesn't ask me to listen, He tells me to listen as a parent would His child.  He comes to me in gentleness and meekness and from agape He speaks.  The words of the LORD are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace on the earth, refined seven times. (Psalm 12:6)  His words are as jewels that sparkle in the light of the sun.  Let me say it again, Gods words are as jewels that sparkle in the light of the Son.  When Jesus spoke it was God speaking, and if it is God that is speaking through the image of the invisible God Jesus Christ; if His words are as silver tried seven times then i must heed and pay great attention to every detail of His words, because from His mouth flow words of life.  I need to take care in the way I listen because I am receiving precious jewels as I open my heart to take in all that is said.  

I started off with a story of my kids at AWANA.  And ill tell you one of the greatest words any Christian can say in just a moment...

So we ended off our bible study in the same way we started in prayer.  It was a great night, because we spent it with Jesus, it was a fruitful time because we took time to listen and give Him our ears and our attention that He desires.

and I said to the boys, "...and all Gods people says, AMEN!!!"

Dearest Christian, it is there at the end of every prayer that we confess with our lips to God, that we have heard, that we have taken to heart, and that we agree.  

Nehemiah 8:6, "Then Ezra blessed the LORD the great God.  And all the people answered, 'Amen, Amen!' While lifting up their hands; then they bowed low and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wait And Let Wait

Psalm 27:14, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes wait for the Lord.”

I believe there is an important lesson to be learned here in the area of waiting on the Lord.  I look at the contrasts of lifes of King Saul and King David.  Saul was a man that always took matters into his own hands, and royally messed things up which led God to anoint another, one that would wait on Him in the midst of battle, in the midst of pressured situations, to take courage in the time of waiting.  A man after His own heart, a man like David, a simple shepherd.  So did God choose Saul to mess things up royally on purpose?  Absolutely not, but it was the foolishness of Sauls impatience that caused him to lose his inheritance as a King, to have the crown given to him passed to another.  O if only Saul would have learned to wait on the Lord we might have seen and read about a different man. 

But why does the Lord allow time and space in between the questions we ask, to give us an answer?  How am I to avoid the foolishness of Saul and learn to meditate and muse on the Lord waiting patiently for His leading as David did?  I believe we need to first look at the time and space between our questions as a time of filling our minds our hearts and our actions with an attitude of praise, learning to adorn Christ with first the praise and glory and honor He deserves.  How could David speak so confidently about waiting on the Lord?  Before he became a king we read of a boy, a young shepherd that defeated lions and bears, that would spend his nights in pitch black pastures, we read of a boy that defeated a giant without ever wavering in his faith, we read of a servant that defeated his tens of thousands, we read of a king that conquered nations, we read of a king whose heart was steadfast in the promises of the Lord. 

Though far from being perfect was David, we read of a victorious man softened and refined in the times of waiting on the Lord; we see spiritual growth as we read and study his life.  He gave the Lord his full and complete attention in the time of waiting for David knew that Gods favor last for a life time, though weeping may last night for the night a shout of joy comes in the morning.  David knew that the Lord loves His godly ones and preserves the faithful.  Can you confidently speak and say unwaveringly that the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want?  It requires something more than a brief moment to think about, it requires your undivided attention, David saw that God wanted nothing more than his undivided attention in victory and out of victory, for where your heart is set, your life will follow after.  For where your eyes see the finish line your feet will follow after.  Be strong and let your heart take courage. 

This verse can be broken down in to three key parts.  One we need to focus our attention on God, two we need to take the focus and attention off of ourselves, because we are prone to look at the bad, and thirdly we need to constantly remind ourselves of our great God.  If only we could get past ourselves we would find the glory of our Lord, if only we would let our heart take courage we would find ourselves standing on mount Nebo looking over into the promised land of where we would soon follow after.  To know the faithfulness of the Lord, to let him have our heart and our insecurities by casting all our care and anxieties on Him is to have complete peace in any situation.  Wait for the Lord be strong and let your heart take courage; yes wait on the Lord.